Diferencias entre Past Simple vs Present Perfect

Diferencias entre Past Simple vs Present Perfect

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¿Conoces las diferencias entre past simple vs present perfect?   No te estreses con las diferencias que pueden haber. Puedes aprender inglés en nuestro blog de forma rápida y fácil. Conoce aquí la diferencia entre estos tiempos verbales.

Past simple y Present perfect, 2 tiempos verbales que a muchos les puede causar dolor de cabeza, pero son más simples de lo que piensas.
Aquí repasaremos sus diferencias y cómo utilizarlas.


Acciones pasadas relacionadas con el presente.

ejemplo: I have had five exams already this week

I have workedI haven’t workedHave I worked?
You have workedYou haven’t workedHave you worked?
We have workedWe haven’t workedHave we worked?
You have workedYou haven’t workedHave you worked?
They have workedThey haven’t workedHave they worked?
He has workedHe hasn’t workedHas he worked?
She has workedShe hasn’t workedHas she worked?
It has workedIt hasn’t workedHas it worked?


Se utiliza para acciones que han terminado en el pasado, aunque haya pasado recientemente.
ejemplo: Did you eat lunch this day?

Yes, I did. I had a salad and some fruit

I workedI didn’t workedDid I worked?
You workedYou didn’t workedDid you worked?
We workedWe didn’t workedDid we worked?
You  workedYou didn’t workedDid you worked?
They  workedThey didn’t workedDid they worked?
He workedHe didn’t workedDid he worked?
She workedShe didn’tworkedDid she worked?
It workedIt didn’t workedDid it worked?


Transcripción del podcast Past Simple vs Present Perfect

 Hi, I’m Robert Leaverton. I am one of the teachers here at Manpower in the Mastery in English Program. This is the second in a series of Podcast on the English language.
if you are lost or need to figure out how to get somewhere this podcast can help you.
Finding your way, nowadays, seems to be pretty easy with the use of technology; turn on your smartphone and open a map app and there you go, easy directions from where you are to where you want to go. Some of the popular apps are Google Maps, and Apple Maps plus we have apps that can give you live directions, or directions that change as you move, one of the most popular is Waze. But what happens if your phone has no battery life left, or you’re in a city where you don’t have access to the Internet? You’ll need to ask someone for directions. What a scary thought, isn’t it? It doesn’t have to be so scary. Before we begin, since you can’t see me or see the side that I am pointing to, I want you to imagine a clock, an old-fashion clock that is round and has two hands on it and the numbers from 1 to 12 visible at all times, a digital clock wouldn’t be that helpful here.
When I discuss the vocabulary, I want you to keep in mind the clock and I will use the numbers on the face of the clock to help you understand some of the prepositions that we commonly use to ask for and or give directions.
Let’s listen to some common vocabulary terms that ESL students will need to give directions:
Ok, put the clock in your mind, please.
• Left, looking at the number 12 on the clock, it is at the top. To the Left, of number 12, is the number 11. So when someone tells you to turn left, or go left, or it’s on your left, you need to remember the clock and go in the direction to number11 from the number 12 position.
• Right, it’s easy if you can remember what left means. It’s the other way to go. looking at the number 12 on the clock, it is at the top. To the right, of number 12, is the number 1. So, when someone tells you to turn right, or go right, or it’s on your right, you need to remember the clock and go in the direction to number 1 from the number 12 position.
• Turn, this is moving, usually 90 degrees from your forward movement. If you’re on a street and you are going forward or straight on that street, and you come to another street that cuts across the first street, think of the clock face again, if you were walking from number 6 to number 12, this is forward or straight, the cross street would be a street going from number 9 to number 3. So to turn is to change direction from walking from the number 6 to the number 12 but then, turning to walk towards the number 3, turning right, or towards the number 9, turning left. It sounds complicated but it’s not. Come to the institute and talk to a representative to find out about seeing this in a classroom experience.
• Next to, there are several words for this, but the most common for me is next to, however, you can also here, besides, or to the left-side or on the right-side of something. Looking at the clock in your mind, imagine the number 3, numbers 2 and 4 are next to number 3. Number 2 is to the left-side of number 3 and number 4 is to the right-side.
• Near, remember when using this word, don’t add a ‘to’. It is not near to. Near is when something is close to another thing. Close is not far. When giving and asking for directions try to be more specific since, far and near are relative to the person speaking.
• Close to, this preposition needs to use the word ‘to’, it is close to something else, not close. As in the word near, close to is relative to speaker’s idea. I once, when I was 7, told my grandmother that a store was close to our house, so she decided to walk with me, two hours later we still hadn’t arrived.
Some others are:
• North, on a compass or clock this would be the top part
• South, the bottom part. North and South are opposites of each other
• East, on a compass or clock, it would be to the right-side
• West, would be to the left-side. Looking at a map of the United States, California is on the West-coast. Texas, in the South, New York to the East-side, and finally Michigan or Montana to the north
• Straight, this is moving in the direction that you face
• Before, this is a place that is directly in front of anther thing. Imagine the clock again, the number 1 is before 2 but not before 12.
• Behind, this is a place that is not before something else but looking forward it would be in the position to your back. The clock once again. If the clock was on the wall, the wall would be behind the clock.
There are many other words, but these are enough to get you started.
How you can ask for directions
• Say «Excuse me» before you ask a person. To make it sound like a question, make your voice go up on «me».
• «Excuse me. How do I get to nearest metro station please?»
• «Excuse me. Where’s the closest (post office) please?»
• «Excuse me. I’m looking for the bus stop number Pd636.»
Use these phrases when you’re asking for directions from another person. For example, if you have a meeting in their office you can ask (in this case it is not necessary to say, excuse me, but remember to say Please.:
• «How do I get to your office?»
• «Can you tell me the best way of getting to your office?»
• «What’s the quickest way of getting to your office?»
• «Where are you exactly?»

Giving directions
The person who helps you often says how near or far the place is:
• «It’s about five minutes from here.»
• «It’s about a ten-minute walk.»
• «It’s easier if I can show you on the map…»

You can use these phrases when you reply to someone who’s asking for directions:
• «Will you be coming by car or by train?»
• «It’s much easier if you take the train.»
• «Which hotel are you staying at?»
Use landmarks to help
• «Landmarks» are points of reference and help the other person understand where to find you or your office.
• «You’ll see a large sign / roundabout.»
• «On your left you’ll see an industrial park / a hospital / the police station.»
• «Just after the level crossing / shopping center (or mall).»
• «Go past the gas station / the supermarket.»
Final tips
• If you’re giving directions over the phone, remember to speak slowly to allow the other person to write things down.
• Check that the other person has understood.
• If you’re speaking face-to-face with someone, use your hands to show left, right, or straight on.
• Use «please» when you ask someone to give you directions. It’s polite, and will normally get you what you want

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